hope plan
This project is carried out in 5 stages and its final goal is to identify the reservoir of mutations of common genetic diseases in the country. In the first phase, 1,500 patients with a primary diagnosis of hereditary metabolic diseases or genetic blindness that can be prevented during pregnancy or before are examined based on legal standards.
These patients are selected from diverse populations. The risk of recurrence of the disease in the family based on genealogical analysis should preferably be higher than 25%.
Cooperation in the hope project
It is important for ophthalmologists applying to cooperate with the Omid project if the referring patient is suffering from a known genetic eye disease based on clinical findings, or additional ophthalmological examinations indicate or suggest such conditions, or if an ophthalmological disease or clinical finding in If the family is repeated or there is doubt about the existence of a hereditary pattern, the colleagues can introduce the patients or their families to Nesl Omid Research Center by filling out the relevant form or simply with the introduction sheet. After going to Nesl Omid Research Center and specialized genetic counseling and checking their documents and records and if necessary re-consultation with the referring doctor, finally the patient enters the plan if he has the necessary conditions. It should also be noted that children's neurology and metabolic sub-specialties applying for cooperation with Omid plan should be considered if the referring patient is suffering from a known hereditary metabolic disease based on clinical findings, or additional laboratory tests or other tests indicate or suggest such conditions, or If a metabolic disease or clinical finding has been repeated in the family, or there is doubt about the existence of a hereditary pattern, the colleagues can introduce the patients or their families to Nesl Omid Research Center by completing the relevant form or simply with the introduction sheet. After going to Nesl Omid Research Center and specialized genetic counseling and checking their documents and records and if necessary re-consultation with the referring doctor, finally the patient enters the plan if he has the necessary conditions.