Center of Genetics
Hope Generation Comprehensive Genetics Center is one of the most advanced medical genetics centers in the country. Genetic counseling and examination is one of the most important elements that help in the diagnosis and prevention of congenital anomalies. Therefore, this institute operates in the form of a comprehensive genetics center with the use of advanced global technologies. This center provides specialized services such as genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis (PND) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of genetic diseases. With new molecular cytogenetic methods, this center is able to quickly detect chromosomal abnormalities on placental villi and amniotic fluid samples within 1 to 2 working days. Also, in this center, the products of pregnancy are examined in terms of pathology (autopsy) and genetics with the cooperation of geneticists and pathologists. In this institution, a comprehensive diagnostic approach to mental retardation, movement problems and congenital anomalies is carried out using modern genomic techniques.

Department of Medical Cytogenetics
Our specialists and experts in this department examine the status of all chromosomes, both in terms of number and structure, using standard and specialized techniques including culture, staining, image processing and karyotyping. The accuracy of the cytogenetic method for detecting structural disorders in the form of deletions and duplications is at the level of light microscope d...
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Department of Molecular Cytogenetics
The molecular cytogenetic department of Hope Generation Medical Institute offers a variety of services by having the most advanced techniques in the world. Since the comprehensive genetics center services are specialized and sometimes super-specialized, choosing the right technology used to diagnose a genetic disorder is very important in saving your time and money. Therefore, if you are applying for this category ...
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Department of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
With the successful launch of Next Generation Sequencing-NGS methods in the comprehensive genetics center of this institute, which was done for the first time in Iran, now a wide range of services including exome sequencing (determining the sequence of the coding regions of more than nineteen thousand genes) and targeted sequencing methods have become available.
In the simple ex...
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Department of Molecular Genetics
Our specialists and experts in the molecular genetics department provide a variety of services with a comprehensive approach to the standards of prevention and diagnosis of genetic diseases. You can use the results of these advanced techniques by having expert genetic counseling before and after the test at the comprehensive genetics center, by choosing the appropriate method in the desired genetic examination, whi...
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