Center of Prevention & Treatment of Hereditary Metabolic Disorders
This center is a comprehensive and well-equipped center to prevent, diagnose and treat congenital metabolic diseases. Although each of the hereditary metabolic disorders is rare, according to global statistics, they have a high prevalence of about 1 in every 1500 live births, which is more common due to consanguineous marriages in our country. This category of diseases has non-specific symptoms and its symptoms can appear at any age from infancy to adulthood acutely or chronically. In this center, we aim to significantly reduce neonatal disabilities and deaths through timely diagnosis and treatment of metabolic disorders if possible, and prevent the occurrence of hereditary metabolic diseases in future pregnancies with prenatal diagnostic tests (PND & PGD).

Department of Diagnostic Laboratory
Global statistics show that one out of every 1,500 live births has metabolic disorders. It seems that the prevalence of this category of diseases is more due to the frequency of family marriages in our country. Accurate and timely diagnosis of metabolic disorders is the key to the treatment of this category of diseases and, if possible, can significantly prevent hereditary disabil...
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Department of Clinical Diagnosis
Based on the urgent need for a comprehensive and well-equipped center for the diagnosis and treatment of congenital metabolic diseases in the country, we at Nesl Omid Medical Institute have launched a comprehensive center for the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary metabolic disorders.
Let's remember that this category of diseases has non-specific symptoms and may be confused ...
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